Training Management Information System
TMIS is visualized as a “Single Window” for all static database related to training i.e. documents related to trainings like training guidelines, training manuals, course content, training calendars, circulars and other relevant material and the Dynamic database which would capture all real time trainings, nominations, certificate generation, post training evaluation and post training deployment. The purpose of the TMIS is to have a centralized database of trained human resource to strengthen the public sector health delivery system. TMIS acts as a tool for :
- Facilitating the gap analysis of trained and untrained health workforce.
- Name Based Tracking of each individual HRH) as trained/untrained based on eligibility criteria.
- Online nomination mechanism.
- Ensuring Quality Trainers by selection of trainers from list of certified trainers.
- Instant SMS alerts to the participants/trainers nominated for training.
- Provide option to decision makers at District/State level in allocation of trained HR by rationalizing their deployment to the ideal place of posting.
- Real time track on training status of all the trainings.
- Online certificate generation on completion of training. Ensuring Quality trained batches based of pre and post evaluation.
- To enable user to preview, compare, modify and forward data to the next level by authorized users.
- Authentic data and real time reports on actual trained/untrained manpower (designation wise/facility wise/dp wise)with visualized graphical representations.
- Possibility of integration/synchronization of state HRMIS with TMIS for centralized data of HRH in states & the country.